Wholistic Resources

Hey, my beautiful friends!

Here you will find carefully curated information to further enhance your well-being.

Some are affiliate links (which helps me to help you even more) and others are not. If it's an affiliate link, thank you for supporting my biz!


Herbs and Vitamins

ConcenTrace Trace Minerals

Vital Proteins

Starwest Botanicals Essiac Tea



Fasting and hormones for women

Mindy Pelz-Fast Like a Girl
Mindy Pelz-Menopause Reset


Sara Wald: Redefining Love Change the Way You Love Healing through a shift in how you love. Another friend of mine.

 A nano atomizer for home use and delighted skin. Fill this with my Rose Toner for cool, balanced skin year round.

All About Water 

Dian Dincin Buchman: Complete Book of Water Healing The best book on various water therapies used throughout humanity.

Masaru Emoto: Hidden Message in Water Kindness to water and wellbeing.

F. Batmangheldij, M.D. Your Body's Many Cries For Water