Wholistic Resources
Hey, my beautiful friends!
Yep, I'm Colleen Fletcher and I've got some information to share with you. My goals here are to further enhance your wellbeing.

Here you will find carefully curated information to further enhance your well-being.
Some are affiliate links (which helps me to help you even more) and others are not. If it's an affiliate link, thank you for supporting my biz!
Cool Stuff
So many of the items I talk with you about in person or while in my boutique are listed here. They are not in any particular order so have fun, peruse and enjoy.
Yoni Eggs - yep, we talk about these often. They are polished stones to help in the wellbeing of a strong and healthy vagina. The company that I have listed here are known to have high standards of stones used and quality control (good info to know when inserting something into your vagina). I'm sure I have already talked with you about best protocols and what best to order. Here is the link to that. If we have not spoken about these powerful womens health tools then please reach out.
Herbs and Vitamins
Starwest Botanicals Essiac Tea
Fasting and Hormones for Women
Mindy Pelz-Fast Like a Girl
Mindy Pelz-Menopause Reset
Sara Wald: Redefining Love Change the Way You Love Healing through a shift in
how you love.
All About Water
Dian Dincin Buchman: Complete Book of Water Healing The best book on various water therapies used throughout humanity.
Masaru Emoto: Hidden Message in Water Kindness to water and wellbeing.
F. Batmangheldij, M.D. Your Body's Many Cries For Water
What a fun ride -
Holistic Health
Let's go -
Ahhh, to be one -
Love & Life
Yes -
Enlightened Equilibrium