Group Chakra Balancing Session

Dream into tranquil being

A group of other soul aligned humans

Activate and balance your chakras

In this online group setting you will awaken your

  • sacred space 
  • divine human connections with others and within
  • internal frequencies

All so you can

  • feel safe and secure with your internal thoughts and actions
  • trust yourself and those in your life
  • live life in ultimate health and reset your body, mind and spirit

Then you will 

  • calm your overactive mind.
  • flow into living in your personal truth.
  • manifest your deepest desires.

What you will need to thrive



This will be done via my Discord server

  • Please be a part of that ASAP 
  • Join to be a part of the Rose Quartz Room for you chakra balancing session
  • Please 'arrive' 10-15 minutes early so we can start on time
  • Reach out to me if you have further questions about my server


chakra session

    I will activate your chakras with

    • Unique crystals on targeted areas of your body.
    • A short relaxational hypnotherapy session.
    • You will be guided through a Color Meditation. 
    • Travel along the waves of a healing Sound Meditation. With my voice I will engage sounds of deep tranquility.
    • You will then embrace both meditations in silence, at which time you will be left to harmonize with the preceding meditations.

    • Be carried away on a journey of colour to activate on a cellular level.
    • Soothing vibrations of sound calm frayed nerves.
    • Time spent balancing your spiritual self brings harmony into life.
    • Awaken to enlightened equilibrium

      Dance into trusting yourself, calm into eased body, fly on wings of enlightened self care. 

      What are chakras?

      Chakras are energetic wheels, or centers in your body.

      These centers perpetually move, like little vortexes, activating health or illness within your body and mind.

      The ancient knowledge of balancing these centers is infused with Tibetan singing bowl vibrations, specific crystals and gemstones & guided meditation of color and mantras into your body to bring on your thriving state of health, one that is a total place of oneness and enlightened equilibrium.

      Cost and times


      I will have two sessions to serve you best in your time zone (I do my best to capture them all)

      Friday August 12 at 9pm

      Saturday August 13 at 9am

      sign up for one or both - it is helpful if you let me know which session you wish to join.



      buy now

      Awaken to enlightened equilibrium